Luoyang Quantong Kiln Industry Co., Ltd.
Service Hotline:13503882003

Matters needing attention in the use of intermediate frequency furnace charge (2)

In the last article, the editor introduced some precautions in the use of intermediate frequency furnace charge. I believe that everyone has a certain understanding. If you want to know more, please follow the editor to take a detailed look.

1. In the process of use, when the furnace needs to be shut down for a long time due to failures and other reasons, the molten iron in the furnace should be emptied to avoid the furnace lining being damaged due to cracking when the molten iron condenses; when the molten iron cannot be poured out, and the molten iron It has condensed, and when it is impossible to judge whether the furnace lining is in good condition, the furnace should be dismantled for safety.

2. Use clean electric furnace charge as far as possible, especially when the furnace is new.

3. When the furnace is stopped for cooling, in order to avoid the sudden cooling of the furnace lining, empty furnace cooling should be carried out. At the same time, in order to avoid cracks caused by the excessive temperature difference between the upper and lower sides of the furnace lining during the cooling process, the furnace cover should be covered to make the furnace lining uniform up and down during cooling. Ensure the service life of the furnace.

4. Because vertical cracks inevitably appear when the furnace is cold, when the cold furnace is started, it should be baked at a low temperature first, and then melted, and then the cracks can be bridged first, so as to prevent the molten iron from entering the cracks and further expanding the cracks.

5. During the use of the furnace, pay attention to the investigation of the furnace condition. Investigating the furnace condition is a kind of maintenance for the furnace. The furnace bottom is measured every 3 days, and the furnace wall is investigated for each furnace every day, so as to ensure the safety of the furnace lining.

6. Maintain and maintain the electric furnace equipment, such as frequently purging the coil, cleaning the sundries on the coil to avoid coil breakdown, and then avoiding the dismantling of the furnace due to equipment failure, effectively improving the service life of the electric furnace charge.

Address:No. 9, Longhua Avenue, Airport Industry Cluster, Luoyang City  电话:13503882003  MobilePhone:18637980120
