Luoyang Quantong Kiln Industry Co., Ltd.
Service Hotline:13503882003

What role does the coil glue play between the coil turns?

What role does the coil glue play between the coil turns?

Coil cement is a coating material for the inner surface of the coreless inductor coil. It should be applied evenly on the inner surface of the coil with a thickness of about 6mm. It can be used between the coils to insulate. Add about 12% -14% water to obtain the uniformity of application. Coil cement is used for the induction coil of the intermediate frequency coreless induction furnace. It is evenly spread on the surface and the ramp, which has a good insulation effect and effectively prevents the aging of the coil and water leakage. The ignition of the coil can also effectively prevent the penetration of the furnace caused by the high temperature of the molten steel. It is recommended that small repairs should be carried out 8 hours before the furnace is built for air drying. Large repairs or new coils should be applied 24 hours before the furnace is built.

Wire glue acts as insulation between coil turns

Line mastic has the following advantages:

\u003Ci>1.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>1.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>保护感应线圈:该产品具有良好的高温性能,一旦发生金属液渗入炉衬,能起到保护线圈短时间内不受金属液溶蚀的作用支撑感应线圈,防止其在使用和拆除炉衬时变形,特别是对有顶出机构的炉体,具有导向和防止线圈被擦伤的作用.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Protection of induction coil: This product has good high temperature performance. Once the molten metal penetrates into the furnace lining, it can protect the coil from corrosion by molten metal in a short time. Support the induction coil and prevent it from being deformed during use and removal of the furnace lining, especially For the furnace body with ejector mechanism, it has the function of guiding and preventing the coil from being scratched.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>2.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>2.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>在线圈匝间起绝缘作用.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>It acts as an insulation between the turns of the coil.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>3.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>3.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>可以涂抹新线圈或作线圈的修补料.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>It can be applied to new coils or as a repair material for coils.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>4.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>4.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>高的热导系数.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>High thermal conductivity.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>5.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>5.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>可以.大限度防止穿炉的发生和扩大\u003C\/i>\u003Cb>It is possible to prevent the occurrence and expansion of furnace wear to the greatest extent.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>6.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>6.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>保护中频电源\u003C\/i>\u003Cb>Protect IF power\u003C\/b>

The characteristics of wire glue play an insulating role between coil turns

Coil cement has the characteristics of high strength, high density and high insulation. It is a corundum cement specially designed to protect the coils of coreless induction furnaces. The coil cement has good viscosity and is very convenient to apply. The smooth surface can buffer the expansion and contraction of the working lining. In addition, the coil mud can effectively prevent the leakage of the molten metal and protect the coil from the breakdown of the molten metal.

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