Luoyang Quantong Kiln Industry Co., Ltd.
Service Hotline:13503882003

What should be paid attention to in material selection of intermediate frequency furnace charge

The induction furnace is to melt the tempered metal according to the action of the induction coil. It is a kind of smelting furnace that is more commonly used and used smoothly. In order to achieve high output, it can save worry and worry. When the frequency furnace is built in the early stage, Then there are certain technical requirements, and there is a choice of matching degree for the chemical function and physical mechanism of the furnace lining material.

Furnace lining materials can be said to play important factors such as safety, mass production, and functional functions under high temperature operation. Rigorous. As an enterprise, what points should be considered when selecting the charge of the intermediate frequency furnace?

\u003Ci>一.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>one.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>稳定性中频炉炉料的化学性能和物理性能,关乎着中频电炉对高温熔炼工作.炉料的配制上其化学各项性能必需达到冶炼金属的化学特性.使得炉料在使用中具有耐腐蚀,耐冲刷,抗渣性等必备元素.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The chemical properties and physical properties of the stable intermediate frequency furnace charge are related to the high temperature smelting work of the intermediate frequency electric furnace. The chemical properties of the charge must meet the chemical properties of the smelting metal. The charge has corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, Essential elements such as slag resistance.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>2.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>2.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>耐高温金属几乎都处于高温下才方可熔化,而每一种的金属的熔点都不一,大致都在1400 摄氏度左右.所以,选用的炉料必需是具有非常强的耐高温性能.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>High-temperature-resistant metals can only be melted at high temperatures, and the melting point of each metal is different, roughly around 1400 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the selected charge must have very strong high-temperature resistance.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>3.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>3.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>耐用性炉衬材料在高温作业下,免不了对自身材料的损耗和腐蚀,炉料在配制上对这个也很有考究的.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Durable furnace lining materials will inevitably wear and corrode their own materials under high temperature operation, and the preparation of furnace materials is also very elegant.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>4.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>4.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>经济性炉料作为中频感应电炉里边的必消耗品,而每打一次炉能烧多少炉,关系着材料自身的本钱和工人施工,选择材料时必需在性价性上做一个清晰选择.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>The economical charge is a necessary consumable in the medium frequency induction furnace, and how many furnaces can be burned each time is related to the cost of the material itself and the construction of the workers. When selecting materials, a clear choice must be made in terms of cost performance.\u003C\/b>

\u003Ci>5.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>5.\u003C\/b>\u003Ci>产出比炉衬虽然只是做为一个载体,但是它的性能直接影响着单筑次,能产出多少量.\u003C\/i> \u003Cb>Although the output ratio of the furnace lining is only used as a carrier, its performance directly affects how much a single build can be produced.\u003C\/b>

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