Luoyang Quantong Kiln Industry Co., Ltd.
Service Hotline:13503882003

Influence of medium frequency electric furnace lining material

Influence of medium frequency electric furnace lining material

The wall of the intermediate frequency electric furnace is rammed. Before each feeding, the contact surface should be shaved. The depth of the bottom layer should not be greater than 150mm, so as to be better integrated with the bottom. The top of the bottom layer is charged with 100-130mm, rammed for about 30 minutes, and then vibrated in turn. Pound until the furnace is built. First use a fork and then a shovel. The fork should be vertically forked and pulled up vertically without shaking. Each circle is divided into 3 layers of forks, that is, one layer by the crucible, one layer by the glue, and one layer in the middle. Construction personnel should cross work and apply even force.

Because the temperature of the furnace bottom is high, and the furnace bottom will form a groove after a certain period of use, and the upper part of the groove will become the furnace wall. If the ramming is not compact, it is easy to cause the leakage of the furnace.

The lining material of the intermediate frequency electric furnace cannot be unpacked and directly added to the furnace. Prepare a container (with a capacity of about 15 bags of charge), pour the multiple bags of material together and mix, thoroughly stir, and remove the possible existence of paper in the charge, thread, etc. Pick out the sundries, and treat the charge with a high magnet. Before building the medium frequency electric furnace, carefully check the furnace building tools, and there should be no rust and slag.

Intermediate frequency electric furnace

Improve the furnace bottom structure of the intermediate frequency electric furnace and improve the heat transfer effect. We formulate a reasonable heating temperature system according to the production process conditions to facilitate the heat transfer of the billet. In the section heating furnace, the choke beam and the bottom wall are used to ensure the The temperature range increases the radiation efficiency of the refractory material. For this reason, the wrapping method of the water pipes in the furnace is improved. Although the new wrapping method increases the difficulty of construction, it improves the service life of the water pipes, which is extended from the original 2 or 3 months to 1 year, and good thermal insulation, reducing the heat taken away by cooling water.

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